Faq Questions Concept Min (1)

Frequently Asked Questions


We are open from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. 

We are a fully attended laundromat so there is always someone on hand if you have a question or need assistance. 

All of our machines are coin operated. 

Yes, we have large machines that will fit bulky comforters. 

Wash & Fold

Just leave your laundry with us and we will wash, dry and fold your laundry for you.

You can leave your laundry with us any time between 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m.

Our wash and fold has a one day turnaround. 

Yes. We use products such as Tide, Gain, All Free & Clear, and Dissolve. 

Absolutely. Just let us know if you have any special instructions.

Pickup & Delivery

Just click on the "Schedule a Pickup" button and fill in your information. It takes less then 2 minutes.

Pickup and delivery is credit card only. When you place your order you will input your credit card. 

No you do not. You can sign up for weekly or biweekly service if you like to be on a schedule but it you just want to use our service from time to time you can.

No. Just leave your laundry in a secure location and let the driver know where you are leaving it when you place your order. The driver will pick it up from there and you will get a text message saying that they successfully picked up your laundry.

You can go into your online account and suspend your service for the time you will be away. That way the driver will skip your stop while you are away.